Friday, March 16, 2012


Momentarily lost my voice today. Or maybe it's just that I have not been talking for a long time that my own voice sounds so distant. Or that the brain, seeing how speech is not utilised much, decides to rob me of my vocals. I wonder, how long evolution takes. Like how troglobites have evolved from their cousins inhabiting outside of caves. From albino crayfish to blind salamanders, it makes me wonder how long does it take for a species to adapt to their environment and prune what is deem prudent.

For a human who just turned blind, where relying on other sensory means are imperative, it probably takes a year thereabouts to adapt. But to pit one in cave, how long will it take for us to evolve? Or is evolution merely a term for extreme adaptation?

So is it possible for humans to derived from apes? Homininis, Denisovans, Neanderthals - could the "children of Adam" i.e. Abel, Cain and their two daughters who I forgot the names even though I was taught about it in religious class (in the Qur'an anyway) actually refer to the different species of early men? :/

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