But for every tale spun, there must have been threads of facts plucked by the authors. Reasons behind inspirations; drawn from epiphanies and eurekaic moments. How original is original? Isn't it now just a rash dash to see who arrives first at the patent office? We've seen Graham vs Grey, Tesla vs Franklin, and many others but yet, as the old adage goes, history is written by the winners. So must be ruthless in our pursuit for recognition? Or is it sheer luck and windows of opportunities?
My shin's getting worse. I don't know why but ever since I've got confirmation that indeed there's something gravely wrong with it that shin, the pain stars to show and gets worse. Perhaps its a psychological thing, a dash of self-fulfilled prophecy in a way. I've been having shin splint ever since BMT but it got better around pro term and I thought its gonna end at that. I guess... just wished it was really a dragon egg.
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