Sunday, August 25, 2013


Hari Raya has always been a kecoh affair, and this year's no different at Iffah's #thingamagig open house. Think cute handwritten notes on jars (so you know what you're eating. Spoil market, really), roti tirai with amazing chicken curry, and of course, amazing ambience that's set back by the stuffy Singapore climate. But that's all cool when you have a diplomat's son serenading us with his acoustics and crooners while sitting down on lush carpets kampong style.

Then Joseph and I went down to Vault (amazing place for drinks, really) for Exposed by Obscured - an event curating aspiring artists and I'm proud to say that my friend Kamal has an exhibition there featuring his amazing photographic skills (they can be bought in a handy booklet or as individual prints!). Kamal also has an online store here.

Went for some fiery popiahs and end the day with amazing white peony tea from Tea Chapter. Before we began drinking, the host will prepare a tea ceremony teaching us how to properly brew tea and serving it; appreciate the sheer euphoria of the tea's aroma as it delicately wafts and teases your olfactory. Paired with matcha and rose-coconut rice balls with a sesame centre, it was truly an epiphanic experience that is truly god-given for an amazing time for conversations with friends while time-dew slowly drips. I mean, its better than getting wasted in sleazy ratchet gay bars around the compound compounded by suffocatingly pretentious lau hong people.

Not all toxic people are cruel and uncaring. Some of them love us dearly. Many of them have good intentions. Most are toxic to our being simply because their needs and way of existing in the world force us to compromise ourselves and our happiness. They aren’t inherently bad people, but they aren’t the right people for us. And as hard as it is, we have to let them go. Life is hard enough without being around people who bring you down, and as much as you care, you can’t destroy yourself for the sake of someone else. You have to make your wellbeing a priority. Whether that means breaking up with someone you care about, loving a family member from a distance, letting go of a friend, or removing yourself from a situation that feels painful — you have every right to leave and create a safer space for yourself. - Daniell Koepke

Well, I guess this is about right. A little self-indulgent into thinking that your perspective is right and these "toxic" people got it all wrong, but I guess this is the state of affair now, eh?

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